Spending Time Refreshing Your Website Pages Can Drive Higher Google Ranking

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Spend a little time every month.

One thing businesspeople are always short of is time. Quite simply, there is never enough of it. So if I said you may need to spend a little time every month or even every week refreshing your website page content, you might say you’d need a pretty good reason.

Google rewards quality webpage.

Well, there is a good reason, and it’s a simple one: Google rewards quality webpage content that visitors like with higher page ranking. And we all know higher ranking leads to more website visitors and potentially more business from your website.

Questions to ask.

We know Google appreciates quality webpage content because they say so. On this page, for instance, Google says, “Google's automated ranking systems are designed to present helpful, reliable information that's primarily created to benefit people, not to gain search engine rankings.” Further on in this article, it goes on to give you a list of bulleted questions to ask yourself to self-assess your content.

Things to keep in mind when refreshing pages.

Look a little closer at those questions, and you’ll notice something interesting. The first four bullet points are all about having original, comprehensive, insightful, added-value content. Bearing in mind that the questions at the top of the list are probably the most important, just keeping those points in mind when refreshing your website pages can only help with improving ranking.

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